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Experimental estimation of electromagnetic compatibility

Experimental estimation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
  • Electromagnetic environment monitoring in target points where radioelectronic facilities are planned to be located or used, detection of interference sources and interference occurrence ways;
  • Theoretical and experimental studies of intra- and intersystem EMC problems, development of EMC ensuring measures;
  • Conducting laboratory and field EMC tests for multi-purpose radioelectronic facilities and systems;
  • Calculation and experimental determination of the notified service area boundaries; broadcasting signal parameters control;
  • Measurement of radio emission technical characteristics and geographic coordinates of radioelectronic facilities placed in operation, preparation and submitting of measurement protocols for the purpose of radioelectronic facilities notification and registration;
  • Study of radio-electronic facility emission characteristics for the purpose of issuance of conditions and permissions for their application in Russia.

Contact information:
EMC Instrumental Measurement& Radioelectronic Facilities Certification Tests Department
phone: +7 (495) 784-63-77