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Experimental estimation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


Electromagnetic environment monitoring

Conducting laboratory EMC testsGeyser Co. is equipped with ultrabroadband laboratory and mobile receiving-and- measuring complex including HEWLETT PACKARD, ROHDE&SCHWARZ and ADVANTEST high-accuracy spectrum analyzers, a set of low-noise amplifiers, high-performance measuring antennas and self-contained power supply sources. This equipment enables the company’s experts to measure electromagnetic environment in the frequency ranges up to 26,5 MHz at customers’ objects. Within the framework of front-end engineering they also perform location survey, evaluate radio coverage conditions and perform other studies at objects where radioelectronic facilities are planned to be located.

EMC Experimental Study Department has performed the following works:

  • EMC study and control in the course of multi-purpose satellites launching from the Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes;
  • performing front-end engineering works in the points where satellite earth stations, radio-relay lines, base stations of wireless access systems are located.

Conducting field EMC testsGeography of the works performed – from S-Petersbourg to Petropavlosk – Kamchatski and from Murmansk and Norilsk to Krasnodarsky krai.

Conducting laboratory and field EMC tests for multi-purpose radioelectronic facilities and systems

By request of operators Geyser Co. performs vast EMC studies, determines EMC ensuring possibilities and conditions between civil radioelectronic facilities of various classes, purposes and frequency ranges (radio-relay lines, satellite stations, base and user stations of cellular and wireless communication systems, broadcasting), as well as with military and special purpose radioelectronic facilities.

Contact information:
EMC Instrumental Measurement& Radioelectronic Facilities Certification Tests Department
phone: +7 (495) 784-63-77