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EMC conditions investigation for operation of radioelectronic facilities of various types in the shared frequency bands


This service includes the following types of works:

  • Examination of international and national documents regulating the use of the frequency bands shared by various radioelectronic facilities;
  • Determination of various purpose radioelectronic facilities operating in the shared frequency band, examination and generalization of their technical characteristics;
  • Development of possible interference scenarios  for radioelectronic facilities with consideration of all potential sources and receivers of interference;
  • Development of methods and performing theoretical EMC studies to determine the possibility of various radioelectronic facilities operation in the shared frequency bands;
  • Determination of EMC conditions between radioelectronic facilities of various types and measures (operational and technical) of EMC achieving.
Contact information:
Theoretical Estimation of Electromagnetic Compatibility Department
phone: +7 (495) 784-63-77