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Development of information security sub-systems, system projects and concepts for information and telecommunication systems


Development of information security sub-systemGEYSER Co. develops information security concept for multi-type companies automating various types of activities and running high-end ITS.

The information security concept consists of normative-technical and methodical documents containing the key requirements for automated systems and technical facility security.

The developed concept takes into account specific features of a certain company’s activities and automated systems functions.

Development of a system project for the purpose to ensure automation systems (AS) security includes:

  • Examination of security object parameters (structure, protected information category, information processing technology and etc.);
  • Study of information security requirements;
  • Detection (for the current AS) or forecasting (for the developed AS) of information leakage channels and (or) security threads in the course of special study of technical facilities and measurement of acoustic and vibroacoustic features of enclosing structures of premises to be protected;
  • Feasibility study of information security system (subsystem);
  • Project documentation preparation.

The Company develops “ready-to-operate” information security subsystems for the current AS. The rational choice of security facilities and their centralized control ensure the required security level at minimal costs.

Information security subsystems development stages are as follows:

  • Designing works;
  • Information security facilities supply and installation;
  • Special software installation and tuning;
  • Development of a full set of organizational, order operational documents;
  • Personnel training;
  • Information security system efficiency control;
  • Preparation and conducting evaluation tests for AS with information security subsystem installed;
  • Information security subsystem guarantee and post guarantee service.

The technology used by GEYSER Co. for designing information security subsystems insures reduction of their development and operation costs due to detection of the real information leakage channels, application of rational protection technologies and implementation of not only special, but also constructional information security measures.

Reliability and efficiency of the information security subsystems designed by Geyser Co. are ensured by:

  • system approach to factors enhancing information security efficiency;
  • application of sufficient protection mechanisms duplicating and implementation of in-built control procedures;
  • application of certified information security facilities.

Contact information:
Information Security Department
phone: +7 (495) 784-63-77