Comprehensive estimation of EMC between radioelectronic facilities is made in accordance with GOST В 25838-83 “Electromagnetic compatibility between REF. Methods of comprehensive estimation of EMC between radioelectronic facilities placed at objects and in local groups”. Input data required for estimation are entered in REFs performance characteristics database in accordance with №1 Form of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF); Main window of the software system There are three variants of estimation:
Estimation variants and modes describing relative locations and mutual interference influence between REF are set up in calculation scenarios stored in the database. Estimation results are displayed, documented and stored in the database. Scenario window of the software system REF group configuration, REF areas of responsibility and antennas radiation directions are displayed on the digital map of “Integration” GIS System. Terrain relief profile along radio lines is obtained from a digital map. REF areas of responsibility displayed on the digital map In the course of estimating EMC between REFs the following parameters are estimated, displayed and documented:
The calculations are made automatically for the following 4 possible combinations variants of antennas radiation pattern coupling of interference sources and receivers:
Results of calculations Manual input of antenna radiation pattern spatial positions is also possible. In the course of estimating EMC the possible channels of interference influence on receivers are identified (main and side channels, group interference, blocking and intermodulation effects). In addition, the software system has the following functions:
The described software complex operation has been tested on several local groups of REFs. This software complex is using special Operating System for Army Mobile Systems that is certified for special information processing. This software complex was developed in С++ KDevelop programming environment. REF database is developed with the use of Linter ВС 6.0 DBMS.
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