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Works in the fields of international spectrum regulations


Optimal choosing of orbital parameters and frequency bands for developing new space complexes and existing space systems under modernization

  • Analyses of national and international legal norms, principals, requirements and limitations for the use of specific frequency bands;
  • Analysis of notified (planned) radioelectronic facilities technical characteristics compliance with Russian and international regulations;
  • Frequency band load analysis and development of current and prognosticated radioelectronic environment simulation model;
  • Development of possible mutual interference scenarios;
  • Analysis of radioelectronic facilities characteristics technical feasibility, calculation of radio link budget and choosing of optimal power parameters for radioelectronic facilities.

Company staff Preparation of the notification documents for frequency bands allocation for development, operation, sales and import of space and terrestrial services radioelectronic facilities for submission to the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF).

  • Development of concepts for frequency support of projects;
  • Preparation of performance characteristics information cards on form № 1 of SCRF of Russia ;
  • Preparation of explanatory notes to performance characteristics information cards.

Scientific and technical support for radiofrequency notification coordination with the ministries and agencies.

Development of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ensuring conditions between radioelectronic facilities operating in the shared frequency bands;

Preparation of notification documents for obtaining permissions required for the use of frequencies for radioelectronic facilities test or operation for submission to the Federal Communication Agency (FCA):

  • Preparation of notification documents on due forms including map copies for radioelectronic facilities dislocation sites;
  • Scientific and technical support for radiofrequency notification coordination with the ministries and agencies concerned;
  • Providing support for obtaining the General Radio Frequency Center’s (GRFC) decision regarding electromagnetic compatibility allowing the use of the notified frequencies.

ITU conferenceResearch and development work organized for determination of conditions for the use of space and terrestrial services radioelectronic facilities in the shared frequency bands;

Drafting of international notification documents projects for submission to radiofrequency authoritative bodies for the following purposes:

  • Preliminarily publication of information on satellite systems radioelectronic facilities in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU);
  • Coordination of frequency assignments to radioelectronic facilities of satellite systems;
  • Coordination of frequency assignments to radioelectronic facilities of earth stations in accordance with the Radio Regulations;
  • Coordination and registration of frequency assignments to a fixed service station in accordance with forms set by ITU.

Company staffScientific and technical support for international coordination of frequency assignments to radioelectronic facilities of space and terrestrial services.

  • Preparation of findings for publication of information on satellite networks in information circulars of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (ITU- BR IFIC – space services);
  • Development of proposals to Statements of Work for the Russian Federation delegations and participation in the work of these delegations during coordination meetings with administrations (ITU Member) with regard to frequency assignments to radioelectronic facilities of space and terrestrial services;
  • Development of information-computing projects required for coordination of radioelectronic facilities of space and terrestrial services;
  • Determination of coordination contours of satellite communication earth stations in accordance with the international procedures (Appendix S7 of Radio Regulations, Recommendations ITU-R IS.847, IS.848 and IS.849);
  • Expert examination of ITU-BR IFIC information circulars and foreign Administrations’ telexes with regard to assessment of EMC between radioelectronic facilities of foreign satellite networks and local radioelectronic facilities of space and terrestrial services.

Development of proposals for international legal support for radioelectronic fa-cilities of space and terrestrial services in the process of the related frequency bans regulations within ITU-R Study Groups and Working Parties and CEPT Working Groups (the Conference of European Postal and Telecommunication Administrations):

  • Preparation of contributions (ITU and CEPT input documents) ensuring frequency support for national (Russian) radioelectronic facilities of space and terrestrial services and their submission to the meetings of Working, Target and Project ITU-R and CEPT Groups;
  • Analysis of documents prepared by ITU-R Study Groups and CEPT Working groups, development of proposals ensuring frequency support for radioelectronic facilities of space and terrestrial services and their submission to SCRF;
  • Development (in view of the telecom services providers interests) of proposals to Statements of Work for the Russian administration delegations to be presented at the meetings of Working, Target and Project ITU-R and CEPT Groups, as well as at the World Radiocommunication Conferences.
Contact information:
International Spectrum Regulation Department
phone: +7 (495) 784-63-77