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Company management


Victor A. KovalDirector General

Victor A. Koval

Date of birth: 18 August, 1963


  • 1980 – 1985 – A.F. Mozhaisky Military Engineering Institute holding the Order of the Red Banner. Specialty- Radio communication systems and control facilities. Proficiency – military radio engineer
  • 2003 – 2005 – Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program. Proficiency – Strategic management
  • 2000 – Rotterdam management school (Erasmus University)
  • 2006 – Institute of Business Administration in Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. “New in management practice” Refresher Course


  • 1980 – 1998 – Service in Armed forces of the Russian Federation
  • 1998 – 2011 – Geyser Scientific & Production Co., Ltd – Head of Department, Deputy Director General, Director General
  • Since 2010 –Geyser-Telecom, Ltd - Director General

Valery N. VolodinDeputy Director General

Valery N. Volodin

Date of birth: 2 May, 1946


  • 1964 – 1967 – Higher Air Defence School of Radio-Technical Engineers. Proficiency - radio engineer
  • 1970 – 1974 – S.M. Budenov Military Academy of Order of Lenin holding the Order of the Red Banner. Specialty – radio communication. Proficiency – military radio engineer
  • 1984 – 1986 – Military Academy of the General Staff
  • 1995 – John Kennedy management school of Harvard University
  • 2006 – Institute of Business Administration in Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. “New in management practice” Refresher Course

Candidate of technical science


  • 1964 – 2001 – Service in Armed forces of the Russian Federation
  • 2001 – 2011 – Geyser Scientific & Production Co., Ltd – Deputy Director General
  • Since 2010 –  Geyser-Telecom, Ltd - Deputy Director General

Victor I. GlushkoDeputy Director General

Victor I. Glushko

Date of birth: 17 January, 1969


  • 1986 – 1991 – A.F. Mozhaisky Military Engineering Institute holding the Order of the Red Banner. Specialty- Radio and electroconductive communication. Proficiency – radio engineer
  • 2006 – Institute of Business Administration in Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. “New in management practice” Refresher Course

Candidate of technical science


  • 1986 – 1998 – Service in Armed forces of the Russian Federation
  • 1998 – 2011 – Geyser Scientific & Production Co., Ltd – Top Specialist, Head of a Group, Head of a Department, Deputy Director General
  • Since 2010 – Geyser-Telecom,Ltd - Deputy Director General

 Igor V. Zheltonogov Deputy Director General

Igor V. Zheltonogov

Date of birth: 07 January, 1966


  • 1983 – 1988 – A.F. Mozhaisky Military Engineering Institute holding the Order of the Red Banner. Specialty- Aircraft Control Systems. Proficiency – engineer
  • 1993 – 1995 – All-Russian Institute of Industrial Property and Innovations.
  • 2006 –  Institute of Business Administration in Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. “New in management practice” Refresher Course

Candidate of technical science

Experience :

  • 1983 – 1998 – Service in Armed forces of the Russian Federation
  • 1998 – 2011 –Geyser Scientific & Production Co., Ltd – Top Specialist, Deputy Head of a Department, Head of a Department, Deputy Director General
  • Since 2010 – Geyser-Telecom, Ltd - Deputy Director General

Lagutin NikolaiDeputy Director General

Nikolai A. Lagutin

Date of birth: 15 March, 1947


  • Higher education, proficiency – lawyer


  • 1966 – 1997 – Service in KGB (State Security Committee) – FSB (Federal Security Service)
  • 2002 – 2011 –Geyser Scientific & Production Co., Ltd – Deputy Director General for security
  • Since 2010 – Geyser-Telecom, Ltd - Deputy Director General